Friday, May 31, 2013

Magic, witchcraft, sorcery ... We are all under a spell!

© Alvaro M. Rocha - All rights reserved

Magic is not illusionism

Although illusionism is often confused with magic, and the latter, (formerly related to great wizards and witches ) has fallen into ridiculousness, it does in fact  work, as it always has; it works relentlessly and well, to such an extent  that we are all bewitched.

With this introductory article I will attempt to explain the basis of Magic (aka Magick), of course still only skimming the surface, and from a certain distance.



Is not illusionism, as we have seen, although the illusionism is a form of enchantment.
It’s not weird rituals. It’s not magic words.
It has nothing to do with cards, planets, sounds, fluids, magnetic passes or invocations.

All of the above and the likes make up the typical tools of someone who starts in the art, but they are not magic.

Indirectly recalling one previous article of mine: they are ways to direct, with a lot of intensity, the  focused  will (described in sacred texts as a man, male, seed) to the place responsible for the acts described as Magic:  the unconscious mind (or as it is defined in many sacred texts: woman, female, uterus) to cause a certain effect (described in sacred texts as a child, son, offspring) which in turn triggers the whole process needed for it to be manifested (described in sacred texts such as pregnancy, pain, trouble).

What is Magic?

Magic is the normal process of manifestation in the reality, to a greater or lesser degree, following universal laws, which involves the unconscious mind.

Does it work?

Without a doubt, and at all times. We are always launching and receiving spells. And are also permanently bewitched.

Spells, charms, bindings, hocus-pocus and (not) simple nonsense...

It's amazing how this concept has been distorted when, in the end, it is just a process of inducing a state of mind in a person, using external methods. It is a way of trying to program a person to program himself.

By inducing thoughts in the unconscious, effects are created in reality, probably subtly at first but in time triggering a chain of events that tend to progressively enhance the respective thoughts.
Words (normal ones, like in this text) are an excellent example of a spell.
Encode a sound or a symbol with a certain meaning, acceptable or not by the receptor: If he believes the message then you can consider him enchanted, under the effects induced by the sender of the message.
One thing should be made clear now: the reader believes in characters and letters, which he certainly learned at an early age, and it is this belief, this code, which allows him to grasp the meaning, which in turn, may or may not make sense but, it has nonetheless entered his mind and caused effects. To a certain extent I am "proving" unconscious conditioning is instrumental in Magic. But this is prose for another chapter...

It is not the magic wand that works, rather the belief (of the witch) that it (the wand) focuses the will and expresses it.

The strength of a spell and how to escape it

Programming is only effective if it gets to the unconscious. And if it does, its strength is infinite.
There is a body mechanism that warns that the "code" is very close, ready to be compiled and installed in the subconscious, this mechanism is called emotion(s).

The higher the emotional content at the time of the thought, the more likely the whole context will be "installed" in the subconscious (unconscious mind) and begin its manifestation in reality.

This mechanism can be reversed, i.e., start by provoking an intense emotion and then implant thoughts in this state. This fools the mind and impresses (technically imprints, I know) the "meaning" on the unconscious, even though if they (the thoughts) may make little sense. There are, therefore, ways to go around and bypass the conscious mind (hypnosis, for example).

That's why some rituals make use of sacrifices. That's because they generate, in theory, tremendous emotions and virtually shut down the conscious mind. Those involved in an accident for the first time or something emotionally intense, certainly understand that time seems to slow down and the body enters a strange automatic mode full of adrenaline - care is needed at this point for everything may be being implanted in the unconscious mind.

For the same reason, the temples of worship are magnanimous, huge and full of symbols that provoke awe and invoke power, raising all sorts of emotions that disarms the listener and opens him to almost any kind of suggestion (ideias that get straight into the subconscious) and a desire for belonging and missionaism (this word probably does not exist).

Alas, emotions are already a kind of "rehearsal", they manifests in the physical body sensations of the new forecoming reality that the thoughts intend to express. If  feelings are bad, there is no doubt that this is what's being created, and this kind of feeling will,  sooner or later, manifest physically in metaphorical “bad” events. And it's amazing how many good  people, through ignorance, delight in bad thoughts that shortly after manifest around them,  causing sadness and inducing them again (with new bad thoughts) under intense emotion, creating a vicious cycle of suffering.

So why do some spells seem to fail?

Obviously there is a sine-qua-non condition for any spell to work, and understand that the word spell is used here  generously as it is sort of in the appropriate context of my article (it may also be called suggestion, influence, instruction, induction, belief, core value etc.); this condition is believing.

If for those involved in the process there is no belief (or meaning, or nothing implanted in the middle of an emotional cycle (drugs also result)), they will not buy the suggestion and therefore it will not be implanted in the subconscious (and unconscious mind) - and therefor there will not be any type of forcefuly created event through magic(k).

This loss of belief, faith, credibility, can occur at any time and will stop even the most powerful processes of manifestation, immediately breaking the programming code running in unconscious for it has stopped being "true".

Understand that the belief (implanted in the unconscious) of the "Wizard" (the entity casting the "spell") also conditions and manifests itself in reality but things become more complicated when there are more than a will involved: but these are scenes from  upcoming chapters, if I decide to go there . Let us then, in a simplistic way, see how to escape.

The Truth shall set you free

This wise expression is much more real than it may first seem.  Better to first define what is Truth.

Truth is simply what one believes, no more, no less. And truth be told, what one believes is always changing. Consequently, that that manifests around the mind, which is responsible for the manifestations, is also always changing.

However, not always does one know what one believes. There is another term that defines "what is certifiably the truth" (according to one's mind) and the term is "faith". The thing that also "saves".

What is the absolute truth? The totally truthful truth!

Ironically it is precisely that that creates immunity to any spell and is the source of all creation.
Here I am, now daring to offer humanity the answer to the question that so many philosophers have said is impossible to answer, Truth is: absolute Silence and Stillness, the Nothingness. 

This spares the reader the job of pursuing the extreme truth: all roads lead to this absolute inner peace from which absolutely everything you want to create comes from.

Evidence then 

(as all this sounds very much as new-age claptrap mumbo-jumbo)...

We begin with the most common spell in society: magical words written on paper that are so powerful that some people kill under these spells. These charms cause great happiness and great suffering and are used every day. They are at the moment of the greatest charms on Earth to the extent that they do not even need to exist physically to have an effect. Nothing more is more required  in Magic than imagination.

In most of the world, the actual magical words and symbols with the some of the greatest power are written on "papyrus" that are recurrently kept in pockets, and these are: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.

The words themselves, and symbols, as stated above, and as we have already seen, have effect because there is belief (that they have). If not understood, by neither the issuer nor the receptor, the meaning of this tremendous expression in ancient Aramaic with immense magical potential that has always resulted over the ages, would not work.

I also postulate that a lot of people believing (even if) only a "little" or badly, has much more power than just a very powerful Wizard doing so, because of the existing interaction – which I’m not yet  going to explain.

The best way is to do Magic is to “cast a spell” on a lot of people is little by little. 
So gentility that they do not realize that all it takes to get out of this state, is to stop believing. 

This is because what they believe seems simple, useful and harmless. A big example of such a method is the media, in itself a victim of his own "works" and "bindings" ("spells" and beliefs).

A powerful spell that seems to have no effect on dogs...

There are more ways to induce behavioral control (to induce emotions and consequently beliefs) over a large number of minds as of childhood (when there is less self-control and the conscious mind “buys everything” without discrimination going straight into the unconscious one). From the moment that the mind forms a commitment with a spell, it is stuck to it until the "belief" disappears, for until then, it is (the) Truth.

How many emotions do these lines and colors awaken immediately? (Even in females!)

A symbol has the tremendous power to invoke the "meaning" of what is believed; and even worse, it immediately arouses such a cocktail of emotions that shuts down the conscious, allowing all that is desired to be implanted. Letters and numbers are symbols, as are words and shapes, as long as somehow we believe the meaning they carry.

Brute force, another way of inducing belief

There are more ways ("spells") to make a "meaning"/idea  permeate the mind, such as seduction, violence, fascination, objects (luxury, rare, intimidating, etc.). All of which involve manipulation of the truth (of a belief), thereby disarming and influencing perception.

This intends to try and implement a new "belief" in order to manifest a reality that is beneficial to the issuer of the spell, even though the vast majority do this unconsciously. This is an explanation based on "magic", obviously one can draw parallels with equally plausible explanations based on psychology, social engineering, neuro-linguistic programming and the likes; we are talking about the same although using different metaphors.

Obviously a person can often (with the typical “distorted” way of thinking nowadays) cast spells on himself. Trivial things people nowadays commonly think about usually induce conflicting emotions and moods that encourage "negative" thinking and that manifest as oppressive and depressive conditions. Consequently, this enriches the great "wizards" who (even if unaware of it) are the doctors, drug companies , the entire healing industry and world (dis)governments.

What is the power of a 100 dollar bill?Or of a football club? A political party or a famous actor?

Repeating myself, by trying to ground the idea, power is belief, awakened by an icon, a symbol that diluted with emotions bypasses the rational (conscious mind). This combination of meaning with emotions imbeds and grants this “belief” all the power in the world to permeate the unconscious mind of the receptor and ergo, create a specific reality (which is something always created by the mind, based on it's belief) that can be manipulated by whoever casts the spells.

And so we have that the “fun” ends when folks stop "believing".

The great wizards of our time (some aspiring magicians with visibility, although at the bottom of the food chain, go of the name of marketers and opinion-makers) know perfectly well that without deploying beliefs on an industrial scale they will be unsuccessful. Thus because the larger the group of followers, the more exponential the control and apparent invulnerability (more minds at tune). Nothing is therefore, in their context, of more priority than to maintain a belief system free from any doubt and the best way to do this is to cast doubt on others (who believe other "Truths" about their beliefs).

Consequently, if there are no changes of the belief system, the manifestations of the effects actually remain the same. Changing the world is in fact nothing more than changing beliefs.

I have a Ferrari. You think I'm powerful!
Because if you do not believe this, I'm not ... And it was not worth having bewitched the seller with so much cash.

What is the best way to lose / change / be immune to beliefs?

As many are so deeply rooted, only developing an opposite habit may deter some.
The opposite habit is considered here to may have a bit of disobedience, non compliance, insubordination if the beliefs are wide spread through a group.

Notice that the unconscious mind has a lot of strength (infinite) and that this method generates resistance and contradictory results (in physical reality) that try to bring the mind back to the earlier belief while there's conflicting doubts. Whenever there are still emotions coming up then this is because there is still "meaning", there is still "code" which is believed trying to get in and likely to cause discomfort for being contradictory. Emotions are the barometer of the body to indicate that reality may be (from our point of view) negatively controlled by thoughts (or positively).

Then the best method would then be, without the option of believing in nothing, to believe in another truth, alternative and conscious that makes sense and does not awake anything but peace and, at first, tremendous relief (as the prison to a belief consumes a lot of energy). This is because "to deny" is not "not to believe", it is instead deciding not believe a something you believe. Confused? Also something for another article...

An excellent counter-spell, although in itself a self-spell on the caster ... arouses emotions and imbeds an idea ...

Only when there is serenity, peace, and absence of emotions is it the path of immunity being walked upon.


Note that I’ve approached the subject very superficially and much has not been said, including:
A true magician recognizes emotions and controls them. Ideally for their own benefit and that of humanity. 

Love (not an emotion) and fear (many negative emotions simultaneously) are large weapons in the arsenal of someone who knows what he is doing, and also for someone who does not. The former real, the later based on the belief of things such as what one thinks is the past, future, ownership and vulnerability.

The tools described earlier (rituals, potions, etc.) are designed to format belief / desire in such a focused way that the effects are tremendous and rapid. Focused use of this technology we are born with is often made, but this is not the technology in itself. Many do so (usage of magic) unintentionally and against (or for) themselves and others.

It is therefore important to understand the biological,  physical, mental and emotional (and spiritual) technology  that is behind it and get to know that that is the indomitable unconscious mind. This is not “knowing the Truth” but just instead begin by trying to imbed positive beliefs which are non-confrontational and immune to external influences, which would prevent much suffering. Probably yet something more for another article, if you pardon the frequent use of this expression ...

Hugs and Kisses,

© Alvaro M. Rocha - All rights reserved